Clearly define goals while working on an exercise and develop the best individual strategies for optimal results.
Always practice fully concentrated, with correct fingerings and relaxed movements.
Concentrate on short sections and fragments, repeat them slowly until they are clear in a mental visualization.
Observe and analyze all parts of the body which participate while playing; eliminate all unnecessary movements.
Aim to eliminate any sense of difficulty both physically and mentally
When challenged with a sequence of complex movements, isolate the different elements, and practice them separately.
After having mastered the different segments, practice their connection in the context of the phrase.
Count aloud the various pulsations of rhythmic and polyrhythmic exercises.
Vary the exercises; never stay too long on a single sequence or variation.
Practice the exercises and their variations for a few minutes intensely, followed by a short break.
Explore several variations of each group of exercises.
To perceive the effectiveness of a practice session, take a break of about an hour and then go back to the previously practiced elements.
Playing these exercises is an intense process, both physically and mentally; to increase efficiency and remain concentrated, practice in sessions of 20 to 30 minutes, followed by a short break.
Whether practicing exercises, studies or concert repertoire, practice sessions of about 45 minutes, spaced out during the day are more ideal, often showing better results than practicing four or five hours in a row
In practicing this method, similarities between the technical aspects presented here and the diverse challenges which occur frequently in the repertoire become recognizable. Aim to apply everything learned from the exercises directly into the repertoire.